Back in April of this year, on a road-trip to California, I took this photograph near Van Horn, Texas.

The photo and graphic are included in the new book “In The Mesquite” (ITM) by my friend and fellow True-Crime author, P.I. and former cop: Steven Hodel, LAPD Det. III (ret.). This book is subtitled, “The Solving of the 1938 West Texas Kidnap Torture Murders of Hazel and Nancy Frome. The photo shows the approximate location of the ‘murder ground’ as it appears 81 years later.
Check out Steve’s blog post re this book:

Full disclosure: I created the covers for ITM and formatted the book’s interior for Steve… so I am biased. That said, I highly recommend it! ITM is a fascinating read and includes a number of “OMG” moments.