I am pleased to announce the inclusion of BBM Vol 4 for your listing or writing pleasure, available for download, free on the 'Author' tab, scroll to the bottom.
As I have stated before, it is never a problem for me to drop into that 'headspace' that listens to the various Michael Grant characters that populate and create the individual stories that now comprise 31 Michael Grant novels… with #32 The Bird and The Ring in progress.
As usual I am running along, watching and listening to the characters writing down all they say and do. With 100% being the completed manuscript, #32 (at this posting) is at 54% and aided, since September 6, by BBM Vol. 4.
And although writers often find that once in the ‘headspace’ occupied with writing, especially WITD, external stimuli is blocked out. However even now as I write this blog, my ‘throne of writing’ is not sound proof, and thus outside I hear men mowing, which is one level of potential distraction, and several levels below that of the yardmen’s orchestration of noise; the unfortunately ubiquitous ‘leaf blower’! What used to be raked into piles and carries away and until recent years stuffed in plastic bags and left for garbage trucks to haul away, is now simple dispersed everywhere by gas-powered air hurtling down the long elephant’s trunk of the blower’s nozzle. Blowing grass clippings, leaves, etc. up into the air (along with all the dust and pollen that had been residing in or on the grass and leaves).
Even the dedicated writer, lost in the actions of his or her characters, can thus be distracted.
Listening to one of my son's musical mixes keeps my mind free from distraction, especially if I plug in a pair of headphones to overcome the 'leaf blowers'.
Ahhh the serenity of music that can at once be non-distracting yet top of mind or lost in the background of the character’s action as you type, type, type merrily along transcribing those actions.
Thank you, Son, for putting together Black Book Mixes Vol 4 !